For your body

Healthy diet: How not to ruin everything on vacation by Maria Canha

Case Dia da Mulher com Nanda Azevedo

With the arrival of holidays , eating a healthy diet can be a difficult task. During this period, the number of gatherings increases, as well as evening meals and snacks. And thankfully!

First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is not these days that are going to sabotage all the effort and evolution that it has had throughout the year. So, the first advice that can be given is: enjoy the holidays!

8 Tips for a healthy holiday diet

In order to reduce the possible side effects of excesses committed on vacation, we can take some precautions that, in fact, do not cost anything! Keep these 8 tips:

1. Hydrate yourself

In the context of holidays, it is common to neglect the hydration part, which is not in keeping with a healthy diet. Especially because you are often subject to higher temperatures than those you are used to.

You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day (unless there is a medical indication not to do so). A good technique is to start the morning with one or two glasses and repeat this practice with each remake . In this way, it ensures an adequate intake of fluids. Take the opportunity to walk with a bottle of water wherever you go.

Dieta Saudável

2. Control the portions

Often, you don’t even have apetite to eat so much food (especially in all inclusive ). So, why do it?

3. Don’t forget fiber and nutrients

Must include vegetables and fruit at every meal, in order to eat a healthy diet. A good way to achieve this is to always start the meal with a sale , vegetables and / or soup.

Pay special attention to salad in countries where drinking water is dubious. In this case, it is best to give preference to cooked vegetables.

4. Start with the fruit in the desserts

You should start the dessert with fruit , such as melon, watermelon or strawberries. So, when you get to the sweet part, you no longer have as much appetite, contributing to a healthy diet.

5 . Consume protein

The purpose of protein is to preserve muscle mass and to remain satiated for longer. So try to consume it at almost every meal using foods like:

  • Chicken, turkey or rabbit meat;
  • Lean and / or vegetable yogurts – Don’t forget to consult the nutritional table, as there are many yogurts with a huge amount of sugar;
  • Fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Whey protein– It is a good option to take on vacation, if you are someone who already includes it in your diet;
  • Soy;
  • Tofu;

6. Move!

Enjoy more exercise! Use the hotel’s ginásio , swim and walk around town. Make the most of it! The more calories you spend, the better.

7. Pay attention to what you drink

Vacation time is often synonymous with some excesses in the drinks /> that is ingested. The concern is usually centered on what is eaten, when, in fact, many calories ingested come from drinks.

For example, a glass of sangria or soda is more than 150 Kcal. These essentially come from alcohol and sugar , bringing nothing positive to the body. So, focus on water !

8. Insert snacks into the vacation lunchbox

To maintain a healthy diet during the rest period, we leave you with some snack suggestions:

  • Protein bars – Pay attention to the kcal of each bar;
  • Whey protein;
  • Dried fruits, such as almonds, peanuts, cashews and walnuts (never fried or salted);
  • Dehydrated fruits, such as dates, raisins and coconut;
  • Rolled oats;
  • Babybel Light cheeses – Take them especially to cold destinations;
  • Sea Wafers;
  • Corn or rice tortillas.

Dried and dehydrated fruits, as well as rolled oats, should only be eaten if they substitute a meal, such as a snack. Fruits are a very practical option to eat on the flight .

Do you want to maintain a healthy diet throughout the year? Visit our blog and get access to other advice on food, healthy lifestyle and sports fashion.

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