Showing 8 Result(s)
As 6 das maiores corridas de rua do Brasil
Important trainings

The importance of physical exercise in Diabetes by Inês Abrantes

It is proven that the practice of physical exercise has several benefits for people with Diabetes . Associated with a healthy diet, this behavior is sufficient for the disease to be delayed and / or avoided. In addition, it allows you to keep it under control after diagnosis. Until today, a cure for Diabetes has …

Disposição para fazer outras coisas
Important trainings

How to get rid of the swollen belly once and for all by Cláudia Cunha

Complaints about the swollen belly are very common, especially in women. They are usually related to abdominal swelling, cramps and changes in intestinal transit, such as constipation and diarrhea. But how do you get rid of your bloated belly and permanently eliminate all these unpleasant symptoms? Physical exercise and food can be the answer. To …

Corrida de Reis - Maratonas e corridas do Brasil
Important trainings

Discover 6 of the biggest marathons and races in Brazil

The relationship between running and a healthy body is great. Not for nothing, marathons and races in Brazil are challenging challenges for many people. Taking that into account, which ones are the biggest? What is the total audience that they are able to mobilize in each edition? What are the stories and curiosities behind these …

Andar de bicicleta em casal pode ser ainda mais divertido
Important trainings

Workout for two: best exercises for couples working out together

Every year is the same thing: Valentine’s Day arrives and, with it, chocolates and dinners to celebrate the date. However, why not do it differently? How about using that romantic motivation and doing a workout for two to improve health as a couple? Thinking about it, we have prepared this text with several great exercise …

Academias para terceira idade
Important trainings

7 unrecognizable Brazilians before and after the gym

Being thin is not enough for these fitness celebrities. They want to have more than one healed body. These muses and muses look for sculpted physiques, shapely legs, cracked abdomen and lots of muscle volume. So there is life before and after the gym! Check out the list of famous Brazilians who were practically unrecognizable …