For your body

Everything you need to know to choose the best gym

Pratique algo prazeroso dentro ou fora da academia durante as férias

The practice of physical activity is beneficial both physically and mentally. That is precisely why the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that we do moderate physical exercise at least three times a week to ensure more health and the general well-being of our body.

Recently, with the increase in concern about the body and health, many people have adopted the regular practice of physical activities as a lifestyle and, in most cases, prefer to do them in a gym. Consequently, there was an expansion of the ventures dedicated to this segment, and choosing one of them may not be such a simple task. For this reason, in this article we will help you choose the best gym for your profile!

So, if you want to know all the factors that influence the quality of a gym, read this text carefully. Here, we will list factors that can be decisive when choosing an establishment and that will directly influence your motivation. Come on? Happy reading!

Why do gym?

According to data from ACAD (Brazilian Association of Academies), Brazil is the second country in number of academies in the world, with about 33 thousand establishments , losing only to the United States. With a total of 8 million students, the sector moves more than R $ 2.5 billion per year. And this high number is not by chance, since many supporters of a healthy life choose a gym because they can count on the appropriate professional support.

In addition, exercising at a gym can offer several benefits, as shown below.

Increase in disposition

Have you noticed that the more we stand still, the more we want to stand still? Despite being a natural tendency of the body, you can gaining a willingness to move by starting physical exercise.

At first, it may seem difficult to overcome laziness or tiredness after a long day of work or study to exercise. However, when you take the first step and overcome this initial difficulty, you will see that, with regularity, you will be more and more willing to leave home , gaining breath and motivation to overcome more and more your limits.

If you have difficulty waking up early or feel discouraged during the day, you will certainly find that, after adapting to physical exercises , you will feel more willing to develop other daily activities, both at home as at work.

Greater quality of life

Melhor qualidade de vida com uma rotina de exercícios físicos

Going to the gym and developing the proposed physical exercises can make you happier! That’s because, in general, moving around regularly causes chemical reactions that generate an explosion of substances in the body, such as endorphins – one of the hormones linked to pleasure and satisfaction. These hormones have an effect on combating problems like depression , in addition to providing greater well-being to practitioners.

All of this will provide a significant improvement in your quality of life, also increasing your agility, attention and cognitive ability, as well as your interpersonal relationships.

Improved social life

Unlike training alone, at home for example, gyms provide interaction with different people, which can directly influence your mental health and mood.

In academies, in addition to teachers who, on several occasions, end up nurturing a closer relationship with students , you can meet people with goals similar to yours and find a training partner, creating a friendly and friendly environment.

Even if you are a more introverted person or like to exercise totally focused on executing the movement, the simple act of saying good morning to different people or talking to a personal provides a change in social life .

Health gain

Physical exercise has several health benefits , besides being an important ally in the fight against obesity, which brings several complications. By regularly getting aroused, the body becomes more resistant and immune, avoiding infectious diseases (such as a cold or flu) and even acting to improve bronchitis or asthma.

In addition to the aesthetic issue, since going to the gym contributes to slimming and gaining lean mass, physical activities also:

  • improve the fitness ;
  • increase cardiovascular capacity;
  • fight diabetes-related problems;
  • reduce cholesterol and hypertension, which reflects a lower risk of heart problems;
  • increase body mobility;
  • prevent osteoporosis;
  • improve joints;
  • fight depression, stress and anxiety ;
  • regulate the production of some hormones;
  • encourage healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating better and avoiding alcoholic beverages.

That is, by exercising you are investing in yourself , in your health and quality of life.

Increased confidence and self-esteem

Aumento da confiança e autoestima

In addition to all the benefits listed so far, if exercising at a gym contributes to improving confidence and self-esteem, since when we take physical activity seriously, we set a goal and we will in search of winning it.

Upon reaching the goal, the feeling is of accomplishment, increasing confidence in our own ability . The improvement in self-esteem comes as a result of this process and of being comfortable with yourself.

What to consider when choosing the best gym?

Now that you know why it’s important to exercise, you may be asking how to know which gym is the best to meet your goals, right? Don’t worry, below, we have listed six of the main factors that must be considered when choosing an establishment. Follow it!


Imagine taking an hour of traffic to get to the gym , all after a tiring day. Do you think you will be motivated to practice physical activities regularly? You don’t even have to think hard to say that this is undoubtedly a factor that can cause you to abandon your healthy routine.

For that reason, when looking for an establishment to carry out your training, choose those that are close to your home or work, preferably within a radius of 2 km. This will make more time for exercise and will be one less excuse for not going to the gym.

With Gympass , you will always be able to train at the gym that is closest to where you are, since there are thousands all over Brazil.

Opening Hours

The gyms have very varied opening hours and some offer services that go from six in the morning until midnight, or even 24 hours. As not all of them have this flexibility, it is important to note at what time you feel most motivated to exercise, what is your available time and find an establishment that suits your needs.

If you have more flexibility, you can observe the peak hours of the gym (time with the largest flow of people, usually in the evening) and try to escape from it to avoid wasting time rotating devices.

Professionals from the academy

Another fundamental factor when choosing the best gym is knowing about the existence of trained professionals. In Brazil, to work as an instructor in gyms, you must have a training in physical education, in addition to being registered with the Federal Council of the area. However, more than a degree, try to know if the professionals have experience , specialization, references or even if they are willing to provide information and guide students.

The instructor at the academy is directly responsible for your security in performing the exercises , for prescribing strategies that are in accordance with your goals and for establishing a trusting relationship with the students.

Cleaning the gym

Limpeza da academia

Before choosing a gym, you must make sure that all areas – including bathrooms, changing rooms, rooms and reception – and all appliances are properly sanitized.

This is because, in these spaces, there is the movement of a large number of people, and if the cleaning is not done correctly, the devices can become dirty due to the accumulation of sweat. In addition, bathrooms and other wet areas can accumulate bacteria, increasing the risk of contamination.

Therefore, observe the frequency of cleaning and if there are trained employees for this function. You can also see if the gym smells pleasant and if there is enough ventilation.

Fitness equipment

Most of the activities carried out inside a gym require specific devices , which are essential to perform the movements safely and accurately. A good establishment must contain basic equipment, which provides the student with quality in movement and in the performance of aerobic activities, like running on the treadmill or cycling on a bike. They also need to be in good condition, with no rust or sharp parts that pose any risk, and with maintenance up to date.

So, when researching observe the quality of the devices, if they meet your objectives and if the maintenance is carried out constantly. There are gyms that offer the most advanced technologies in gym equipment and others that provide the basics, but with quality. So, it’s worth taking a look and see which one fits your needs the most.

Diversity in the provision of classes

Not everyone likes to do the same activity every day. Therefore, having different workouts can be a very important factor when deciding on the best gym , as the classes, in addition to offering different stimuli, are often in groups, ensuring more well-being and motivation.

So, if you are a little lost on this subject, get to know some different classes and full of benefits that can weigh when making your decision!


Created by Joseph Pilates, this modality combines physical and mental conditioning. pilates has movements based on stretching and low impact exercises , which mix strength, endurance and flexibility.

In addition to being practicable by anyone, its main benefits are: correction and improvement of posture , strengthening of muscles, increased strength, decreased stress, improved sleep quality and helps in prevention of osteoporosis.


The bodybuilding exercises have the main function of stimulating muscle cells , generating hypertrophy, or muscle growth, and it is usually one of the most sought ways in the search for the body perfect.

More than an aesthetic issue, bodybuilding speeds up metabolism , making fat burning faster. By the way, we want to recommend to athletes anabolika kaufen legal Consequently, it helps with weight loss, improves posture, strengthens muscles and bones, prevents cardiovascular problems and promotes a feeling of satisfaction.


swimming is a very complete sport and is suitable for anyone . It is an alternative activity for those seeking physical benefits and relaxation.

The main advantages of swimming are: development of muscles and weight loss, improvement of cardiorespiratory capacity, memory and concentration in daily tasks, increase in longevity, reduction of stress and anxiety and improved self-esteem.


Originating in oriental culture and with more than 2,000 years of existence, Yoga is an activity that works body, mind and emotions . More than just a form of physical exercise, this practice can be considered a philosophy of life, and its followers experience several benefits, such as improved breathing, greater flexibility, increased concentration, reduced stress and greater body awareness.

In addition to all this, it is also an inclusive activity, that is, it requires virtually no initial physical preparation.


Aula de dança na academia

Dance can be practiced in many different ways, whether for fun, by profession, as a form of artistic expression and even dance to lose weight. Because it is a light and relaxing activity, this is a very popular option when the idea is to have a healthy lifestyle , combining social interaction and a lot of exciting music.

More than moments of fun and relaxation, dance classes provide practitioners with healthy weight loss, muscle toning, increased well-being, confidence and self-esteem and improved social life, as, most of the time, classes are held in groups, which ends up becoming an incentive.


Running on the treadmill and on the street is one of the most popular forms of aerobic exercise , since people who enter the fitness world through it are not uncommon. Although most people think that it is only necessary to put on a pair of sneakers and a comfortable outfit, anyone who wants to practice this activity safely or even invest in competitions, should seek advice in races.

If done correctly, running also provides several physical and mental benefits, and is indicated for people who have no limitations in the lower limbs and who respect their limits.

Should the price of the gym influence the choice?

The monthly fee can influence the time you choose the best gym . In general, it is possible to find establishments that offer prices for all budgets, from the most affordable ones, costing less than R $ 100 per month, to more complete plans, which can exceed the amount of R $ 1,000.

Usually, prices vary according to the location of the academy , the modalities offered, the number of classes available, the availability of teachers (some establishments offer the possibility to train with a personal), the infrastructure of the place and the number of other added services, such as massage therapists, nutritionists and other professionals who can add to the training.

Some companies offer special prices for students who hire the service for several months. Another alternative is to use services that allow access to different gyms across the country for a single pre-established monthly fee, such as Gympass .

It is important to note that the most expensive gym does not always offer the best service and will enable you to achieve the expected results. In that case, it is worth considering your expectations, your goals and what the establishment has to offer. Often, a stylish gym, which provides a unique environment and a pleasant experience, can be a differentiator when it comes to pursuing your goals and fitness lifestyle.

What are the types of fitness centers?

With the number and diversity of fans of a healthy and active lifestyle and the consequent high number of establishments dedicated to offering physical activities, competition tends to be more fierce. Therefore, several companies have diversified the target audience, which can make it easier when making the decision about the best academy.

Next, find out about some types of fitness centers and see which one (or which ones) best fits your profile.

Bodybuilding Academy

The history of bodybuilding gyms begins in the last century, however, they only became popular in Brazil around the 90s and had its boom in the 2000s. In this type of establishment we have, basically , the possibility of training aimed at hypertrophy , weight loss, resistance and strength. As we have seen, some may offer complementary classes, depending on the audience you want to reach.

Gym for functional training

Functional training is a recent trend, which consists of offering activities that simulate everyday tasks, such as picking up objects, climbing stairs, squatting, stretching etc. That kind of training combines the benefits of bodybuilding and can be an alternative to the traditional format since, in these cases, the exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher at all times.

Another advantage of the academies dedicated to this modality is the possibility of diversifying classes, depending on the objective of the day, and the interaction resulting from living with other students.

Academy for women

Academies geared exclusively to women emerged in the United States in the 90s and arrived in Brazil as an alternative for women who escape conventional bodybuilding . With the proposal of offering specific activities for the female body, with a focus mainly on the lower limbs (which are usually preferred at the time of training), this type of establishment also offers quick workouts, which combine aerobic and hypertrophy exercises lasting about 30 minutes.

In addition, many women seek this type of service to feel more comfortable in relation to their own bodies and the performance of the exercises, since there are no men around, neither as students nor as instructors .

Academies for the elderly

Academias para terceira idade

Another highly sought after segmentation is the gyms targeted at the elderly audience . With the proposal of offering a more individualized service, mixing physiotherapy and orthopedics, in this type of establishment, the elderly develop activities aimed at strengthening the muscles (mainly to prevent falls and injuries), bone toning (preventing osteoporosis) and movements that simulate day-to-day actions. All of these benefits are still combined with the well-being provided by social interaction.

Outdoor gym

A very interesting option for those looking for physical activity, but who do not like the closed environment of the weight rooms or studios, are the outdoor gyms. With the possibility of working the musculature, guaranteeing its tone, this type of service provides physical and mental satisfaction based on movements that, most of the time, use the weight of the body itself.

However, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a physical education professional capable of guaranteeing safety and the correct execution of movements.

Specialized academy

There are also academies specialized in one or more modalities, which offer classes to a more restricted audience. The advantage of this type of studio is that you only pay for an activity that you really enjoy and the chances of not getting a place in a class is much less, due to the reduced number of students.

Specialized gyms can be considered those dedicated to dance, functional training, fights, pilates, swimming, Yoga, pole dance etc.

Choosing the best gym directly affects your motivation , your results and the way you will deal with physical activity. If you want to have a good performance in the gym, take into account all these factors that we list here and choose the alternative that offers the best cost-benefit and fits your needs.

Do you want to make your life easier? Discover the available Gympass plans and practice physical activity whenever and wherever you want for a single monthly fee!

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