For your body

6 Tips for Healthy Eating by Tatiana Pinheiro

Jardim Botânico

More and more people are looking for the best tips for healthy eating . The great goal of many is to change habits and gain health. At the same time, numerous sources of information related to this topic are available. In theory, we know what needs to be done, but not everyone does it. Why?

It should be noted that adopting good eating habits is not just about changing the shopping list. It also includes behavior change in general. This process is not easy and requires discipline and willpower, but it is not impossible! In this article, I share 6 healthy eating tips to help with this process.

1. Plan the weekly menu

It sounds like a cliché, but planning the weekly menu and making a shopping list helps you acquire only the essentials. In addition, it is an important support in structuring different meals throughout the day.

Having your meals and snacks prepared avoids those late-night snacks and snacks. These are generally not very healthy or suitable for those looking to improve eating habits.Dicas para uma alimentação saudável

2. Ensure daily fiber supply

To help control food intake, it is important to ensure the necessary amount of fiber. Thus, it will be promoting satiety , delaying gastric emptying and even regulating intestinal transit.

In this sense, you should introduce whole grains into your diet (such as rice or wholegrain pasta, whole flour, oat flakes or quinoa). In addition, it should include legumes (such as beans, chickpeas, lentils or broad beans) and respect the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

3. Bet on plant-based foods between meals

One of the tips for healthy eating that I like to share most is the use of plant-based foods in daily snacks.

Raw vegetables (carrot sticks, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes) and legumes pastes (humus, pâtés) are excellent options for these small meals. In addition, eating oil fruits such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or cashews is another nutritious choice. These options are excellent sources of fiber, vegetable protein and unsaturated fats, respectively.

4. Drinking water: Hydration is key

The feeling of hunger is often a sign of dehydration. If you have difficulty drinking water or don’t like to do it, don’t worry. There are many alternatives. Try, for example, infusions or flavored waters to your liking. For this, you can use mint leaves, cinnamon, cucumber, ginger, lemon or orange. The important thing is to drink and hydrate!

5. Setting goals

When we propose to change routines, one of the most important tips for healthy eating is setting daily and / or weekly goals . In this way, it is possible to make a gradual change, with the aim that it will become a habit.

For example, you may propose to drink eight glasses of water or tea a day or ingest a serving of legumes two to three times a week. You can even define a meatless day. However, the most important thing is that it is a change that makes sense to you.

6. Seek help from an expert

There is a healthy eating tip that complements all of the above: look for a nutritionist ! Who better than a professional in the field to motivate you and help answer your needs?

The reasons for changing eating habits can be many, from losing or gaining weight, preventing cardiovascular disease or any health condition. If you have a specific objective, individualized monitoring is important. Starting an appropriate food reeducation process is the best way to achieve positive long-term results.

More tips for healthy eating on the blog Oito.Um

At Oito. Um, we also care about your food. On our blog, you will find several articles with some nutritional options for pre-workout, post-workout and healthy snacks. Follow all the content and change your eating habits with our help.

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